04 Oct 2019
I was having an issue with an Umbraco website not rendering the content.
I needed to see the values of the properties, so I wrote a bit of razor to help me see the values of the IPublishedContent item's properties.
I know I will need this again in the future so I am writing this post for me to use and if it is any help to you then that is a bonus.
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage @if (Model != null && Model.Properties.Any()) { <ul> @foreach (var property in Model.Properties.OrderBy(x => x.PropertyTypeAlias)) { <li>@($"{property.PropertyTypeAlias}: {property.Value}")</li> } </ul> }
As you can see, it loops through the properties and writes out the values into a bulleted list.
I can put this in the view of the site I am trying to debug to see the values.