05 Oct 2016
I used to think I wasn't a creative person, I just have a logical thinking brain and not a creative one.
I used to think the creative types of people are the graphic designers or the front end developers who make fancy animations.
I'm not passionate about design and colours, so therefore I mustn't be creative.
I've since realised that I am creative, very creative. We as developers are all creative. It takes creativity to be able to turn some written requirements into a working system.
You can't start from zero and end up with a working system without being creative. Code doesn't just write itself and being a developer isn't just about writing code. It takes knowledge, experience, skills and a lot of creativity to produce good software.
Lets embrace the fact that we can all be creative in our own way. We do have a creative side, we just channel our creativity in different ways.
So next time someone says you are not creative, set them straight and make them see how creative you really are.