23 Oct 2015
A lot of websites use google maps to show their location, but they usually leave it with the default style.
This post gives you the code I use to generate a map and shows you how to style it.
It also shows you how to add a custom map pin icon.
If you are looking for how to style the popup infowindow, check out my other blog post
Here is the code for the map with a style I created using this Styled Maps Wizard
<!doctype html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Google Maps Javascript API example | codeshare by Paul Seal</title>
#googleMap { width: 100%; height: 400px; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; }
<script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js"></script>
function initialize() {
//replace this variable with the json you generate in the google maps api wizard tool
//Styles Start
var styles = [ { "featureType": "administrative", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#444444" } ] }, { "featureType": "landscape", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "color": "#f2f2f2" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "on" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "elementType": "geometry.fill", "stylers": [ { "saturation": "-100" }, { "lightness": "57" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "elementType": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "lightness": "1" } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "elementType": "labels", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "road", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "saturation": -100 }, { "lightness": 45 } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "simplified" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.arterial", "elementType": "labels.icon", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit.station.bus", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "on" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit.station.bus", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "saturation": "0" }, { "lightness": "0" }, { "gamma": "1.00" }, { "weight": "1" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit.station.bus", "elementType": "labels.icon", "stylers": [ { "saturation": "-100" }, { "weight": "1" }, { "lightness": "0" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit.station.rail", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "on" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit.station.rail", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "gamma": "1" }, { "lightness": "40" } ] }, { "featureType": "transit.station.rail", "elementType": "labels.icon", "stylers": [ { "saturation": "-100" }, { "lightness": "30" } ] }, { "featureType": "water", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "color": "#d2d2d2" }, { "visibility": "on" } ] } ];
//Styles End
//Create a styled map using the above styles
var styledMap = new google.maps.StyledMapType(styles,{name: "Styled Map"});
var mapProp = {
center:new google.maps.LatLng(52.922592, -1.474605),//set the centre of the map. In my case it is the same as the position of the map pin.
var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp);
//Set the map to use the styled map
map.mapTypes.set('map_style', styledMap);
//Create a marker pin to add to the map
var marker;
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(52.922592, -1.474605),//set the position of the pin
map: map,
title: "Derby",
icon: "/images/blue-pin.png", //if you comment this out or delete it you will get the default pin icon.
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
<!-- Map goes in the div below -->
<div id="googleMap"></div>
You just need to get the json output from the map wizard and paste it over the value of my style variable. Then choose your own map pin icon and enter the path for it where I have put the icon path inside the marker.