31 Jul 2017
This question came up in our Umbraco Slack group and I quite enjoyed seeing the different answers we all came up with for getting the website domain address in Umbraco.
Somebody wanted to get the current website domain address including the http(s)://, in the simplest way possible.
For instance http://www.codeshare.co.uk
This blog post shows you the different ways we came up with:
1. I started us off with this approach. This is an OK approach but it's not great. It's quite long and has repetition in it.
@using Umbraco.Web @Model.Content.UrlAbsolute().Substring(0,Model.Content.UrlAbsolute().IndexOf('/',"https://".Length))
2. Camaya came up with this beauty. I really like this one. It's clean and to the point.
@(Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host)
3. Finally skg came up with this one. This one takes care of any ports etc in the url.
I just thought I would share it with you here, as the slack group content is not public, but it is free to join. Just ask someone on Twitter to add you to the group.