17 May 2022
Today I needed to remove the trailing slash off a URL in SQL
Did you know Skybrud Redirects package doesn't like trailing slashes in the Url column (the from URL)?
If you add redirects to the database yourself, they won't work with a trailing slash. So I needed to fix the data.
First of all I needed to make sure my WHERE criteria was correct. Here is a SELECT query with the correct WHERE criteria
SELECT [Url] oldUrl FROM SkybrudRedirects WHERE [Url] LIKE '%/' AND LEN([Url]) > 1
Next I wrote another SELECT statement to show what the new url would look like next to the old one.
SELECT [Url] oldUrl, LEFT([Url], LEN([Url]) -1) newUrl FROM SkybrudRedirects WHERE [Url] LIKE '%/' AND LEN([Url]) > 1
Finally I wrote the UPDATE statement to make the change
UPDATE SkybrudRedirects SET [Url] = LEFT([Url], LEN([Url]) -1) WHERE [Url] LIKE '%/' AND LEN([Url]) > 1
All done. I ran the original SELECT query to make sure they were all gone now and they were.
I hope this helps someone else, probably just me in 6 months.